Project Guidelines

For this Nuclear Chemistry Blog Project, you will be given a topic under the umbrella of nuclear chemistry, on which you will conduct research and prepare a blog post for this class blog. This will give your classmates an opportunity to learn about your topic by reading your blog post.

Your post must include the following:

TITLE: a title that contains both the nuclear chemistry topic and your name (for example: Pop Culture References to Nuclear Chemistry by Mrs. P)

CONTENT: content that is rich with details, well-written without grammar or spelling errors, and that answers the questions posed in your chosen nuclear chemistry topic…content that goes above and beyond by explaining concepts and building on basic facts will earn the “accomplished” grade while simple recitation of basic facts will earn a lower grade

MEDIA: at least TWO pieces of additional media…pictures/photos, graphics, animations, and/or videos…that enhance the content and create interest

LAYOUT/TEXT: proper use of layout and text to make an aesthetic-looking page…use of bold, italic, underlining,and varying sized font for headings will make the post easier to read and understand…consider using bullets or numbered lists to make information easier to navigate…text should be an appropriate size–not too small or too large

SOURCES: all referenced sources must be included in alphabetized MLA format at the bottom of your post…you MUST have at least three sources properly cited to earn the highest grade…you MAY NOT use Wikipedia as a source!–but do feel free to use it as a jumping-off point to find good, reliable sources!