Politics and Nuclear Weapons By:Kyla Dorsey

Are you afraid of getting bombed with a nuke? Well you should be. It’s a very real possibility it could happen any day at any second. America has 6,800 warheads, Russia has 7,000 warheads and North Korea has 60 nuclear weapons. So what are nuclear weapons and warheads? Warheads are the explosive head of a torpedo or a missile and nuclear weapons are a missile or a bomb or missile that use nuclear energy to cause an explosion. So why are nuclear weapons a threat to us as the American people? Nuclear weapons are a big threat because if a nuclear weapon was released in a major city million of people would die from the blast itself and the smoke from that would kill more.In the article The Nuclear Threat it states”If a nuclear weapon exploded in a major city, the blast center would be hotter than the surface of the sun; tornado-strength winds would spread the flames; and a million or more people could die. Survivors would have no electricity, no transportation, no phones—and hospitals would be overwhelmed … if they were still standing.” A nuclear weapon would cause mass devastation and it would take years for America to recover.9 countries have nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons and that’s enough to destroy the Earth a few times.

How cities will look when nukes hit them.

If you keep up with current events you know that nuclear devastation isn’t that far fetched for America. In the past 15 years North Korea has conducted 6 nuclear test.Kim Jong-un himself said”America will never be able to provoke war or attack us. The entire continent of America is within reach of our nuclear attack. They must never forget that the nuclear button is placed on my desk at all times.” Kim Jong-un isn’t afraid to attack America if any type of hostility or aggression is shown. Kim isn’t afraid to attack America and frankly I think America should be afraid. The slightest thing said or done by our president could send Kim off the rails and he’ll press the button on his desk.Kim is like a toddler. They can be all happy and good but one simple misstep or action by anyone can send them into a temper tantrum but in Kim’s case destroying all of America. All I am saying is that Donald Trump should be careful with what he does because he might end up destroying America and all of its citizens. So why should we be so afraid of Nuclear Weapons? The release of radiation will be emitted at the time when the weapon detonates and long after that. The three types of radiation are Gamma,Beta and Alpha. Some radiation effects on humans are losing hair quickly or in clumps,intensive exposure to radioactive material would affect the small blood vessels in the heart and cause it to shut down and if the radiations is great enough to affect the brain the radiation would kill the nerves and the small blood vessels and could cause seizures and immediate death. So maybe we should stop worrying about Kylie Jenner’s baby and start worrying about Nuclear Weapons.

Citations:  Abramson, Alana. “How Many Nuclear Weapons Does the U.S. Have?” Time, Time, 9 Aug. 2017, time.com/4893175/united-states-nuclear-weapons/.

Martinez, Luis. “What to Know about North Korea and Its Weapons Programs.” ABC News, ABC News Network, 11 June 2018, abcnews.go.com/Politics/north-korea-weapons-programs/story?id=45971921.

“The Nuclear Threat.” Nuclear Threat Initiative – Ten Years of Building a Safer World, www.nti.org/learn/nuclear/.

Berlinger, Joshua, and Jake Kwon. “Kim Jong Un Says North Korea Isn’t Making Nukes, Warns US on Sanctions.” CNN, Cable News Network, 2 Jan. 2019, www.cnn.com/2018/12/31/asia/kim-jong-un-new-years-speech-intl/index.html.

“North Korea-US Tensions: How Worried Should You Be?” BBC News, BBC, 25 Sept. 2017, www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40882877.

Cohen, Zachary, et al. “New Missile Test Shows North Korea Capable of Hitting All of US Mainland.” CNN, Cable News Network, 30 Nov. 2017, www.cnn.com/2017/11/28/politics/north-korea-missile-launch/index.html.

“The Effects of Nuclear Weapons.” Long Term Effects on Humans | Effects of Nuclear Weapons, www.atomicarchive.com/Effects/index.shtml.



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